News and press release

Here you will find the latest news and press releases from FV Frankfurter Vermögen AG.

Frankfurter Vermögen increases volume of its mixed fund by 47% in July

citywire| Author: Lukas Kümmerle | Frankfurter Vermögen’s mixed fund DUI Wertefinder recorded inflows totalling almost €84 million in July. The…

Is artificial intelligence (AI) a curse or a blessing?

wallstreet:online | Author: Uwe Eilers | Since the announcement of the publicly accessible version of ChatGPT in November 2022, press…

‘China could experience a long phase of stagnation’

intelligent-investors | An interview with Uwe Eilers | The DAX is slightly above the 16,000 mark in mid-July. Equities have…

Frankfurter Vermögen supports LIONS charity golf tournament in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

„Eine herausragende Gelegenheit gemeinsam für den guten Zweck die Golfschläger zu schwingen.” Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, 29 June 2023…

FV Global Equities – Our new equity fund!

Fundview | The global equity fund of a Hessian asset management company – We are launching a new equity fund…

Value shares: sound investing or just ideology?

wallstreet-online | As in politics, there are sometimes ideological tendencies when it comes to investing. We are talking about ‘value’…

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