News and press release

Here you will find the latest news and press releases from FV Frankfurter Vermögen AG.

The big savings plan check: The DUI Value Finder among the top 3 flexible mixed funds!

Fonds professionell Online | Im großen Sparplan-Check der flexiblen Mischfonds konnte der DUI Wertfinder mit seiner Performance die Redaktion überzeugen.…

Radio report: ‘No ECB interest rate cut for the whole year.
Interest rates are more likely to rise’

Börsenradio | Uwe Eilers, CEO of Frankfurter Vermögen, in an interview with Andreas Groß (Börsenradio) about interest rate developments, artificial…

Interest rate development – has the peak been reached or will there be a further rise?

DAS INVESTMENT | Short-dated bonds could now become interesting for investors, says Uwe Eilers, CEO of FV Frankfurter Vermögen AG…

Focus on pioneering profits: Frankfurt assets take part in Neuromorphic Computing Day

DAS INVESTMENT | Portfolio managers Jürgen Brückner and Yusef Shadid from Frankfurter Vermögen were the only participants from the investment…

Radio report: ‘Compulsory saving can make perfect sense’

Börsenradio | Uwe Eilers, CEO of Frankfurter Vermögen, in an interview with Peter Heinrich (Börsenradio) about budget freezes and supranational…

Artificial intelligence – a blessing or a curse?

DAS INVESTMENT | Since the announcement of the publicly accessible version of ChatGPT in November 2022, press articles by leading…

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